Monday, August 11, 2008

Wat’tup Cuba: Thoughts on the Cuba, Revolutionary Socialism, and the Filipino Youth

By James Matthew Miraflor

Note: These are only a few chapters of an unfinished paper based on my presentation (of the same title) during the Philippines-Cuba Cultural and Friendship Association (PHILCUBA) of the Moncada Attack last July 26, 2008 in the University of the Philippines Manila, Little Theater.

"The argument is this. The only way to know if the people genuinely chose socialism as a model of political and economic governance is on the presence of other modalities – other ideologies outlining other ways of organizing societies. If socialists are indeed confident of the superiority of their socialist model, as all socialists should be, and if they are confident that the masses also believe so, then they need not be afraid of contesting the democratic space from those with other ideologies, as organized through other parties."