Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Arroyo's Gangster Regime (just so we won't forget) - Feb. '08

Greed is defined as an excessive or uncontrolled desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, food, or other possessions especially when this denies the same goods to others. It is reprehensible acquisitiveness, an insatiable longing for power, and supremacy in order to advance individual interests at the cost of other’s well being.

Arroyo’s Greed has a Name: ILLEGITIMATE DEBT
February 2008

But greed is not just about Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the First Gentleman and other greedy officials.

If the Filipino public ought to be learning something from the recent revelation of whistle-blower Rodolfo “Jun” Lozada Jr. over the aborted $329-million ZTE National Broadband Network (NBN) project, it is that our flawed political and economic system perpetuates this greed and makes wealth accumulation and concentration at the expense of the people not only possible but a persistent and dominant feature of the political landscape.