Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Structure of Crisis, the Crisis of Structure

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Last year, I was invited as one of the speakers during the "Waging Peace in the Philippines Conference of 2009 - Advancing a Citizen’s Peace Agenda in 2010 and Beyond" held at the Social Development Complex Audio Visual Conference Center, Ateneo de Manila University on December 7-8, 2009. I specifically attended and participated on the plenary on Significant Issues for Peace in 2010, with Atty. Marvic Leonen, Dean of the UP College of Law, as my co-speaker.

The organization I was representing, Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC), was supposed to present on Climate Change, Global and National Crisis. Using existing data we culled from several government sources and presentations, this is the presentation I used. It begins with the then hot issue of Maguindanao massacre and then proceeds to discuss the structural causes of the confluence of crises we are facing. Check this out as a break from the optimism of the incoming Noynoy era:

View more presentations from jmmiraflor.

This is also to serve as a counterpoint on the 7.3% growth pronouncement earlier by the Palace, which has largely been criticized as merely base effect of the manufacturing drop at the peak of the global crisis. But just some facts and observations to add to the point:
  • It is an election year, one of the most expensive in fact in the history of the Philippines. While consumption indeed has been high, the net transfer will largely been from politicians (which means from the government, for how they became ultra-rich is already, a little too obvious) to the TV networks, or more likely, to Chinese companies which produced all those ground-war stuff (campaign paraphernalia, posters, etc.). The amount of redistribution (via vote-buying, etc.) has largely been limited by the phenomenon of a mass media-driven campaign. So while GDP may indeed have been boosted by transfers of wealth, it is merely one class taking money away from one pocket and putting it to another.
  • This is not a new pronouncement. Curiously, the 7.3-percent figure already came up two years ago. But if this quarters growth is largely base effect, the growth then was largely spending-led, with National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) stating that among the components of the GDP by expenditure share, it is Government Expenditure Consumption (GCE) which grew the highest, by 10.0% from 2006-2007 - reflective of substantial increase in the proposed national budget from P1.045 trillion in 2006 to P1.126 trillion in 2007, an increase of P81.31 billion or 7.8%.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Long lines, pre-shaded ballots hound 2010 polls, observers say

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05/12/2010 | 05:02 PM

Foreign observers in the May 10 elections flash their Compact for Peaceful and Democratic Elections vests at a QC news briefing last week. GMANews.TV

Foreign observers in the May 10 elections flash their Compact for Peaceful and Democratic Elections vests at a QC news briefing last week. GMANews.TV

Long queues, pre-shaded ballots, malfunctioning voting machines, and bypassed electoral procedures were some of the problems noted by international observers who observed the Philippines’ first nationwide automated polls.

"A few machines were not working," Tiina Hiltunen of Finland said in a Balitanghali interview on Wednesday.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Transform Pasig

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Great dreams are built piece by piece. The great dream of changing the Philippines and the world is now being done barangay by barangay, city by city, region by region. It is with this dream that Ric Reyes, and his team in Pasig, aims to inspire and unite Pasigueños in a project to transform Pasig City.

A Change in Perspective

Your browser may not support display of this image.But the capacity to inspire is getting more and more difficult, for if there is something the people of Pasig actually learned in its decade of collective struggle against elitist, corrupt, and undemocratic rule of the Eusebios – it is that collective struggle fails. Many have lost faith in trying to change things, as the opposition, repressed by the maneuverings of the entrenched dynasty, was defeated and demoralized.

Now more than ever is the opportunity to make the people remember the feeling of believing in change, and doing it together. This is Ric’s mission in Pasig. This is Ric’s challenge to the Eusebios.
