Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bring us back to the barracks - Soldiers

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From Danny Lim and company, as excerpted from http://www.sundalo.bravehost.com/Index.htm.



Please bring us back to the barracks

We are soldiers. We are also citizens. We, together with our families, are so much a part of the community more than our beloved organization. We are not faceless automatons incapable of thinking, feeling and discernment. We feel the pain of our neighbors as much as their anger. We see their oppression and sense their hopelessness. Of course, their happiness is ours too. But they are not!

We, too, can distinguish good from evil, a truth from a lie, an honest one from a cheat and a thief. But it would be our most grievous sin if we tolerate and do nothing about it.
